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for some reason, I can't play the game at all. It's either just a black screen or the loading screen. It started to happen since yesterday and now I can't play. Is there anyone that knows on how to help me? :

nvm I can play now :D


yeah yeah we all have kiddo

I'm obsessed with one of the characters in this

So, turning on every item to "always stocked" does this


Also, by using a Mystery Box, you can get another Mystery Box, meaning if you're really unlucky, you can get soflocked. Due to how rare this is, it isn't an issue, but it might be something worth fixing

okay this is actually mario party for bozos like me who cant afford it and also it has bonus :3

(1 edit)

Do the BFDI minigame!

[0.98.4] Not sure if it's in known issues or not:

A Duel happening on a Chance Time space plays out like normal, but when Chance Time activates, the Left/Right controls don't work... so you can only bonk the first box. Minor considering you can Reload the Turn, but can be problematic with a certain Last 5 Turns modifier on and the players all clustered together.

Thanks for the report. I need more context, because I couldn’t get it to happen

(4 edits)

It was the CPU's turn (P3 in case that's relevant), they rolled and landed on a Chance Time space that I was on in the third-to-last round (18/20). We did the duel, that went normal, then during Chance Time, it couldn't move the bumping fist between blocks. I tried changing the player to the P1 control, it still didn't respond for my controller either.

It happened a couple of times, back-to-back, requiring me to Reload the Turn until the duel didn't take place on Chance Time.

This game is FANTASTIC. I'm so grateful!

Looking back at the board... it wasn't a natural Chance Time space, it was a Red Space that was converted with the Last 5 Rounds Event.

What I think might be happening is that after the duel, the game moves it to the next player (P4), which is just trying to roll to move forward, even though the Chance Time event still occurs. That's probably why changing P3 from CPU to Controller 1 didn't work... or why the left/right didn't (thinking it's just rolling a movement die instead).

I'll let you know if it happens again and check things more extensively.

Best Record!! Username is Xen0

my record is 49.7m


Could someone please help with adding custom characters? I tried adding some in the windows version but they're all stuck on "image loading". They work fine in the desktop version. Wdid?

the cpus keep finding hidden blocks even after i turn hidden blocks off

Will be fixed in future update, thanks for the heads up


how can i blame TCNick3 for this


the fitness gram pacer test is a multistage arobic capacity te

i found a weird bug when a lowest lvl maphee bot used the dueling swords on another bot and then just refused to roll the dice afterward.

i dont know if this happens every time, it probably doesnt

Hi, i have a question, i looked at Character Template, and i don't understand something, what should be the 4th sprite, the "Skid", my english isn't fluent but i can't find an answer... It's an attack sprite, or something?

"Skid" is the sudden stopping animation and the turn around animation. Picture old cartoon characters about to run off into the distance. They wind up before they start running. That is what is used for minigames that require walking/running and moving the opposite direction (For example: Survival Challenge Walk-off). Let me know if this helps!

Oh damn!!! So It's like the  character breaking go slow down! Thanks!

Its when you make a sudden turn while running.

the g

im cracked???22??2?

I need to actually touch grass

Whats grass?

I guess I have to beat that…

give me about a day

also it seems you also found the way to get the max coins

heh still did not beat it yet bud?

new record to beat lil bro
(1 edit)


Coins. Not Stars.


bouta get 80+ stars to be even BEYOND

Deleted 64 days ago

I'm using a Pro Controller, but the game doesn't recognize inputs from either joystick or the D-pad, does anyone have a solution?

The game automatically recognizes them, don't need to register them.

Any ideas how to reload cache for the downloadable version, or where the local version cache files are located? After updating character sprites they don't update properly even after deleting and re-adding character. Works fine in browser.

my game doesnt open

i love silvia

so true i love him

(1 edit) (+1)

edit this is me when the loading screen not

even appear

(1 edit) (-1)

i think i found a glitch in the "ghost guess" duel minigame. 

i pressed R by mistake (L does the same thing), and my character got stuck facing right and i couldn't use the flashlight (this ended up costing me the whole game lmao).

(1 edit) (+1)

the CPU's in 2v2's really need to learn that

-They Share inventories with their teammate,because they seem to use a plunder chest to take items FROM THEIR TEAMMATE,when they can just go through their inventory and use it

-Their teammates stars and coins add up with their own stars and coins,once again CPU's steal currency through Boo when it ADDS UP in the finale

oh and...1v3 minigames when Char...

there you go that's your answer for the 1v3 minigames

where the fuck is the image

i eated it

that image was expired how did you not get sick

immunity to e-Salmonella

There will never be 1v3 because they are way too hard to balance.

do i have an addiction to snooze? yes yes i do

This feels like a Showdown Minigame from Super Mario Party Jamboree.


Really? What News?

it was actually a screen I made based off of the Jamboree Buddy mini games :3

Ah! I get it!

The normal setting for lucky minigames is broken. You start getting lucky minigames at the 6th turn instead of the 5th. Aside from that they work as normal


char making a feature not act like a bug challenge (99% fail)

This game is 10/10 perfection!!!

also I wanted to join the Discord server but the link was expired or something...

(2 edits)

Time: 20.29

Minigame: What goes up

(New World Record)

Name: Baldi

I have 20.22

Daring Doo is a custom character so 10/10


char funny idea

take the 8 player thing from mp7 and impliment it in the game1up Cartoons on X: "It would be so awesome, It would be so cool" / X

it would be so awesome, it would be so cool


it would take a miracle for this

along with 1v3 minigames getting added

(1 edit)

Game stuck after Computer duels Player (Edit: with Dueling Item)

Random character ignores locked out characters, so there can multiple of the same characters

Any plans for allowing more than 4 players?


This is pretty cool, look forwards to the full release- also I like the Beepbox remixes, they're really good :^)


Yo, thanks for playing!

I’m glad you liked them, thank you :)

i don't have my controller so who uhm who wants to do a sing along to YMCA in the replies of this

Holy crap there's a Rhythm Heaven reference in this game


This is an absolutely amazing game, but it does feel like, regardless of level, CPUs are always way too fast at the "puzzle" minigames.

I forgot to screenshot it but when getting Bill Blasters from a Vote Battle mini game with CPU lvl 0, none of the CPUs do anything. If this is intentional, that's fine. I did lose 53 total coins to 2 of them (pot was 84) because I suck and they were still alive

I created my own character right now! :D

Is there a mobile update in Party Project?

I can't load my custom character. When I load the .json file it just says "Loading image" forever :(

Nvm I fixed it :)

What did you do to fix it? 

I was using imgur, and if you are using imgur too, instead of clicking the "copy link" button, right click the image and then hit "copy image address", then paste that into the .json file.

I love it, I love it, I love it. The amount of customisation is amazing, the pace is top and item variety is insane.

If I could ever suggest anything, it would be that hexes disappear after being landed on once because some hexes are insanely powerful and maybe a cuatom feature for pity coins like 1st gets 10 coins, 2nd gets 5 coins and 3rd gets 3 coins as an example.

Congratulations for this beast of a project. I've played two matches and I know I will be inviting friends home to play this, I just hope they can keep up because this game is harder than regular Mario Party nowadays.

Glad you’re enjoying the game :)

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