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I just started playing this game and it will just turn to a black screen can you fix that because I don't know if it is my computer or it is the game

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so, i'm making a goofy custom character, and I'm wondering if the background has to be a specific color, or if I shouldn't have a background at all...


It has to be transparent. The background is just there to help you make the spritesheet.


thanks, i just figured it out yesterday and finished everything, and then when I finally imported it into party project it came out to small...

Won't let me extract the file, help

It's really great to see a game inspired by Mario Party- I'd never really seen any other games in that style until now!

The game seems amazing, I don't know if you are trying to make it a commercial project, but if you are, I recommend removing the Super Mario music. I would definitively buy something like this if it had online integrated. 

Char is not thinking about making it a commercial project, as fa as I know.

Currently having trouble installing the game, would appreciate some more specific instructions for computer dummies like me lol.

(1 edit)

If you are on Windows 11, I can help! Download the game, then open 'File Explorer' and click download on the left hand side. find 'party win32 (version number).zip' and right click it and click 'Extract All' and click Extract (It would Extract to Download btw), and open the file of the same name, and make sure that it does not have a chain on the folder, open win32 and lastly, click to open 'nw.exe'.

Hope this helps :)

EDIT: I saw that some people have issues with files not extracting. I never saw it, so I can't help with it :(

This is such a fun game! Is there any way to play it multiplayer? I would appreciate the answer. Thank you!!!

As long as the game detects your controller, it would automaticly work, just press a button or two, then click 'Controller Config' and set your controls. If you are talking about same keyboard gameplay, go to 'Controller Config' anyways and you set the keybinds there as well. This is all about offline gameplay however, the game does not have online mutliplayer; you need to uses remote desktop apps like Parsec to do so.


Will there be more boards inspired by the Party Crashers?

we can hope exsio at least thinks of making a sophist, king of skill, or nick board

update: Exsio had a dream where she made a sophist board

we may be back

I was messing with the random option and then this happend

no way lmao

(1 edit)

Sorry for not having an image, I pressed Start 2 seconds later after this happened, but then Me and DK (a CPU) won with 600 dmg in Let The Battles Begin!, instead of the game giving me and DK the win, they say that only DK won.

I don't know why happened, but it happened.

Is there an official form for reporting bugs (or what I think is a bug)?  

I'm able to select the same character I'm playing as for CPUs. It's funny, but I don't think it's intentional. I initially discovered it by the random character selector selecting the same custom character. 

(Let the Battle Begin!) If two players deal damage at the same time (such as magic) when the boss is near death, one player does not receive double damage while the other does. I assume it's due to the first player (or port priority) not dealing enough damage to cross the damage threshold, but when the second player is checked it is. 

It's still a great game! I really like Let the Battle Begin! I don't know if it's based off of anything but it's based. 

Selecting the same character is actually a thing in this game.

thank you for the game, it was so fun

d3dcompiler_47.dll refuses to be extracted for some reason.  The error is unspecified.

Deleted 228 days ago

i agree

My computer (Windows 11) seems to think that the most recent version is a Trojan. I was just wondering if anyone else is getting this or if there is something wrong with the game file or my computer?

This due to the 7z compression. I don’t know what changed but I can’t compress the upload anymore without it being a false positive.

That's a really good game. Matt's one of my favorite characters to play with.

Deleted 97 days ago

Please. I humbly request.
Make the bots stupider.
I play mostly by myself and I can't count the amount of times I've lost a minigame a second too late. Please please please add a difficulty lower than normal. :'(


This guy gets it


This game sucks and makes mario party look bad


objectively false


nuh uh!

Question: How are the coins from Battle minigames distributed between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd?

For example: In Mario Party DS, 1st place gets 65%, 2nd place gets 30%, and 3rd place gets 5%.

Deleted 259 days ago

1st 60% 2nd 35% 3rd 5% 4th 0%

Thank you!











I love that golf is the one to have a capital letter here, then he is the only person to not have any capital letter

good game but where was this made from tho?

construct 2

Love that game!

(1 edit)

the rivals of aether of mario party.

aside from that, good game.

Is loading character files locally instead of by URL planned?

can i party project X wii deteled you

This is one of the best expiriences to play with friends while waiting for the next class at school. Thank you for all the hard work to the team and hope the final release will be done soon, can't wait!

Just one thing that would be nice is if the custom characters could be saved in a cache folder or somewhere locally because I don't always have acces to the internet to use them.

It's a 2D, cute and styled Mario Party, so this will be your experience with your friends:

You won't be Bee

this is amazing lol
friend just showed me this and i already love it.

idk how hard it would be but imagine if the game had custom minigames too...
now this game is already amazing either way so wither it goes or not it is no problem for me,



I had 2 ideas for extra customization, 

1. Roll order, personally I like it as is currently but a option to roll for the order, and/or choose the roll order.

2. Final 5 turns modifiers, options for 10 or none and perhaps a option to select  what modifiers appear and the strength of them. ( Like last place receives 50, 75, 100, coins/ as well as the option to remove altogether from the roulette)

Sorry if my ideas are hard to follow or if not possible. regardless love the game 

(1 edit)

Reporting a bug:
Whomp junctions have a possibility to softlock if a CPU player is forced down the path by a banana hex


Ok, so, the CPUs have 2 problems

1: They rarely use items. Sometimes they'll buy an item on the shop and then never use it, unless it's a magic lamp or a ghost bell. 

2: When they are using a dice roulette (like the ones in the Eternal Star board) they'll ALWAYS land on 6, but when they buy a second star on the same turn they'll land on 1. 

playing this with a controller, 10/10 funny and fun

Hey this might be common upon files like en-US.pak but theres a bunch of stuff in there containing things about Google and location and history that caught my eye. Again it might be normal I just wanted confimation :)

Since its an HTML5 engine, the native export includes a browser that runs the game and those are a part of it.


All that is left to make this game perfect is a board creator

why cant i grab fruits in picking panic

erm, that just is a skill issue.


Interesting game, but unfortunately there are some copyright concerns with this game.

The rules? Nope, it uses assets from some game.



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nvm i got it

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